Monday, December 7, 2009

Tattoo Soaps DIY

    Making tattoo soaps is a totally fun and easy DIY project. All you need is some crafty skill, some soap, some radical tattoos and wa la! you have the most envious of soaps around!  Okay, it's a little more involved than that, but you will find these instructions super easy to follow. 

Please read all instructions before beginning!

Stuff you'll need:

1 lb clear melt and pour soap base
1 lb white melt and pour soap base
A plastic mold with plain small (guest size) cavities
Temporary tattoos of your choice
1x1 inch square of sponge
Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle
Fragrance oil (optional)
Plastic eyedropper if using fragrance
Pyrex Measuring Cup

Step 1, Preparation:

First, you will want to have all your soap cut into small squares (1x1 inch is fine) for melting.  Your tattoos will need to be cut close around the designs to fit into the molds.

Step 2, Melt and Pour #1:

     Place the clear soap in your pyrex measuring cup.  Melt the soap in your microwave at 10-20 second bursts until completely blended and add fragrance if using.  You will need approximately 3 ml of fragrance oil per pound of soap for a strong fragrance.  Now, pour a layer of clear into the soap molds until about half way filled.  Spray the soap with rubbing alcohol right away to get rid of bubbles.  Allow this layer to harden fully.

Step 3, Place tattoos:

     Peel the plastic covering off the trimmed tattoo and place the tattoo face down on the hardened layer of clear soap.  Rub the back of the tattoo paper with the back of a spoon or your fingernail to better adhere the tattoo to the soap.  Now, dip your sponge in water until it is soaked, but not dripping and dab the water onto the backs of the tattoos until saturated (being careful not to get water on the soap part).  Allow the water to penetrate the tattoo for 20-30 seconds (just as if you were applying the tat to your skin).  Using a toothpick, lightly lift the tattoo paper backing off the soap, being careful not to peel up the tattoo.  Allow to dry.



Step 4, Final Pouring:

***Important:  Always spray rubbing alcohol between layers of soap pouring, as this causes the layers to stick together.

     Re-melt your clear soap.  Spray rubbing alcohol on the first layer of clear.  This will also spray the backs of the tattoos, which will help the second clear layer adhere.  Pour a thin layer, just enough to cover the tats and prevent the white soap from sneaking under the images.  Allow to harden completely. 


     Melt your white soap and add fragrance if using.  Spray the soaps with rubbing alcohol again and immediately pour your white soap up to the edge of the mold to fill the cavity completely without overpouring.  Spray immediately with rubbing alcohol to get rid of bubbles.  Allow your soaps to sit in the molds overnight to fully harden, then pop from molds and enjoy!

The Finished Product:

If you are looking to purchase some already-made tattoo soaps, visit me at

For supplies and such, you can find many suppliers online, but I recommend  They supply everything you need and you will find the best buys there.  You can also view some of my past projects involving tattoo on soap application at Bramble Berry's Flickr!

Happy Creating!

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